The 11 Deadly Sins of Search Engine Optimization

Do you ever feel like you're committing some kind of digital sin every time you optimize your website for search engines? Fear not, dear marketers and small business owners: there is salvation. As we enter into a new year, this post will be shedding light on the 11 deadly sins of search engine optimization in 2023 — dive deep into what areas to avoid and how to tackle them. Whether or not Google is watching over with its magnifying zoom lens, let's 'absolve' any mistakes of yore as informed practitioners today!

  1. Thou shalt not stuff thy keywords into every nook and cranny on thy website
    When it comes to search engine optimization, there are certain rules that need to be followed. One of the most important rules is "Thou shalt not stuff thy keywords into every nook and cranny on thy website." This means that while it's great to target keyword phrases in your content, you don't want to overdue it or use them in an unnatural way. Over-stuffing your content with keywords will not only confuse search engines, but also make reading through the content difficult for visitors. Aim for a natural balance between keyword use and providing quality content - this is the surefire way to get search engines and visitors alike happy about what you have to offer!

  2. Thou shalt not create duplicate content
    When it comes to ranking high on search engines, committing a "sin of plagiarism" isn't going to cut it - hence the 2nd commandment "Thou shalt not create duplicate content". Duplicate content can confuse and overwhelm search engine bots causing your page ranking to suffer. Along with this, bypassing other essential marketing strategies will also serve detrimental to your ranking. By not obeying this commandment, you could end up, for a lack of better words, in an “underworld” ranking, doomed eternally to receive no clicks or love from consumers. 

  3. Thou shalt not buy links from low-quality websites
    Temptation lurks around every SEO corner, and it's hard not to give in when you find yourself face-to-face with short-term strategies like buying backlinks from low-quality websites. It can be tempting to take the shortcut, but buying backlinks from low quality sources could make your site face eternal penalties from popular search engines! Before you commit a ranking faux pas may you remember these wise words: Thou shalt not buy links from low quality websites. The ranking rewards await thee if thou follows the right marketing strategies!

  4. Thou shalt not use automated software to build links
    Linkbuilding is an important part of keyword research and organic search engine optimization – without it, your web pages will remain hidden in the abyss of the Internet. Yet automated link building can be detrimental as these artificial links don’t always encourage valuable traffic or have any positive effect on your rankings; so instead of getting caught up in shortcuts, it pays off to follow this commandment by investing time and effort into getting quality backlinks that determine success on the World Wide Web.

  5. Thou shalt not have broken links on thy website
    Not only being a minor annoyance to visitors, having broken links can affect a search engine’s ability to crawl your website. Having a clean site with no broken links is an integral part of a strong SEO strategy as it affects your website's user experience. In short, keeping track of the health of your website's links is a must and ultimately blessings will come upon you if you keep this commandment!

  6. Thou shalt not ignore user experience
    Speaking of user experience, when it comes to deadly sins of SEO, ignoring user experience and having broken links has to be number one. While usability may not be the first thing that springs to mind when it comes to optimizing a website for search engines, it is certainly one of the golden commandments that should never be flouted. With sites like Google now ranking content higher if users actually engage with it, ignoring user experience issues such as broken links can prove deadly not just in terms of usability but also from an SEO perspective. So, let’s not ignore user experience and instead ensure that our webpages are unfailingly accessible. 

  7. Thou shalt not cloister thy website from the search engines
    If you want your divine website to reach the pearly gates of the top search engine results pages, then thou shalt not cloister thy website from the search engines. Make sure you upload your sitemap to Google Search Console, so when you write a blog post you increase the chances of getting seen by those noble robots that swoop in to determine page rankings. Thou who follow this sacred commandment shall be rewarded.

  8. Thou shalt not spam links in thou comments of blog posts
    It's important to not clutter up the comments section of blog posts with keyword phrases in a desperate attempt to improve your rankings. Not only does it make for an unpleasant experience for readers (and it’s not 2005 any more), but it also tells the search engines that you're trying to game the system. Plus, why bother dealing with the hassle when there are much better ways to increase your SEO ranking? Save yourself the trouble and temper your keyword-stuffing enthusiasm. Trust me, your blog traffic will thank you in the long run.

  9. Thou shalt not ignore thee on-page optimization
    On page optimization seeks to enhance keyword phrases found within your content while also improving the overall user experience. We all know that search engine ranking algorithms love keyword-focused content, so make sure to tick off this heavenly task and keep your site visible. Implementing an effective on page SEO strategy will ensure your content can be easily navigated. So whatever you do, don't ignore thy on page optimization - it could mean a rise or fall in rankings that no mortal could turneth around!

10. Thou shalt not neglect thou social media presence
A vibrant social media presence will speak volumes for the brand’s credibility and thrust your website onto top rankings. SEO gold is just a few clicks away with one's presence on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Mastering the art of keyword phrases and hashtags while curating content to optimize results must be attended to by thee at all cost. 

11. Thou shalt not engage in black-hat SEO tactics

Following the eleventh commandment of SEO - thou shalt not engage in black-hat tactics - is essential for achieving keyword prominence and top ranking in search engine optimization. Keywords, keyword phrases, linking and content must all be optimized ethically – within the boundaries of what these engines define as “good” tactics. Going against this can lead to a divine punishment known as keyword oblivion – followed by worse! Get your morals aligned and don’t cross over to the dark side; stay within the lines of propriety and thou shalt be rewarded. After all, it doesn’t pay to dabble with temptation.

 So there you have it: the 11 deadly sins of SEO. If you’ve been guilty of any (or all) of these offenses, don’t despair – there is still hope for your website. The key to success in SEO strategy is to keep things honest and transparent; as long as you can avoid these pitfalls, you should be well on your way to ranking higher in search engine results pages and getting more traffic to your site. Of course, if avoiding these mistakes sounds like more trouble than it’s worth, contact a professional SEO consultant today and let us take care of everything for you. What other “deadly sins” do you think are common in the world of search engine optimization?


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