Food Bloggers’ Recipe for Recovery: A Case Study in SEO Revitalization

seo for food blogger website

A beloved small business culinary platform experienced a significant setback in web traffic following a site redesign. The task at hand was not only to recover lost ground but also to enhance their online presence and attract more food enthusiasts to their collection of recipes.


The revitalized web design was meant to be a fresh start for the culinary platform, but it came with unexpected downturns. The site's once-thriving search engine standing took a hit, with a noticeable dip in keyword rankings that once drew a steady stream of curious cooks and food lovers. The implications were immediate; as the keywords dwindled, so did the platform's visibility on search engines, which had been its lifeline to the digital food community.

This downturn in discoverability on search engines had a domino effect. Monthly clicks, a direct measure of audience interest and engagement, dropped to just 1,000—a number that was much less than the activity they were accustomed to. For a site that prided itself on being a vibrant meeting place for recipe exchange and culinary inspiration, this decline was a call to action. It was clear that without intervention, the platform risked losing its cherished connection with its audience, as well as its standing as a key player in the online culinary sphere.

Approach & Implementation

To address these challenges, I first tackled the technical snags that were affecting the site's SEO performance. With the technical foundation solidified, the strategy pivoted to a robust content development plan.

I identified and established pillar content that resonated with the platform's audience, aligning with the savory themes and flavors they're known for. Through thorough research, related and semantic keywords were woven into the content, ensuring relevance and discoverability.

An internal linking strategy was also put in place, which stitched together recipes, guides, and tips into a cohesive and user-friendly tapestry. This strategy was designed to not only boost SEO metrics but to enhance the overall user experience, inviting visitors to dive deeper into the site's rich culinary content.


The focused efforts over the past four months have delivered substantial improvements in the site's SEO metrics. The keyword landscape, which originally featured 1,600 keywords, has expanded to 4,200, a strong signal of growing relevance in the search engine ecosystem. Even more indicative of the strategy's success is the presence of the site in SERP features; from no visibility in these coveted spots, the site now boasts over 410 keywords highlighted in various SERP features.

The upper echelons of search results, positions 1-3, saw an impressive increase from just 9 keywords to over 60. This leap into the top search positions is particularly noteworthy as it translates to higher click-through rates and, consequently, more traffic to the site. These metrics represent not just numbers, but a growing audience for the platform's content—a direct result of strategic content creation and SEO refinement executed over a relatively short period.

The cumulative effect of these improvements is a platform that's once again bustling with digital foot traffic and an engaged community of food enthusiasts.


This case study serves as a snapshot of how targeted technical fixes and a well-seasoned content strategy can lead to substantial improvements in a website's performance. The culinary site is now poised to reclaim its position as a favorite destination for cooking aficionados.

If your website's traffic has plateaued or dipped, a carefully crafted SEO and content strategy could be the missing ingredient. Contact me to explore how we can cook up a plan that brings more visitors to your site and spices up your online engagement.